
The long awaited day has come with out confetti or trumpets, yet the news has me feeling as though nothing in the world could be as electrifying or thrilling. Many say there is nothing that quite prepares one for the challenges and joys of motherhood, a statement that I am sure is true. While I cannot help feeling overwhelmed with this momentous news, I am also at peace about the days to come and the responsibilities that carry with them.

Our families were elated by the news of the first grandchild, niece/nephew. The joy of telling them almost outweighed the joy of discovering the news ourselves. The video documenting the big reveal can be seen on YouTube here:

As you can tell, the excitement was overwhelming. 

As I enter my second trimester, I am looking forward to less sick days and distancing my relationship with the toilet bowl (I have never made sure that sucker was more clean).

Looking back I should have seen the early signs more clearly. The German sandwiches I craved, the three jars of pickles I ate one afternoon, the six trips to the bathroom all night long… I should have known! 

I just celebrated my twenty sixth birthday, a milestone that marks the anniversary of my birth, the year my mother gave birth to me, and the year I will also give birth to my first little one. It is so interesting how quickly life changes. I must remember this fact and learn to cherish every day with my babies as though it won’t last forever.

Exciting times ahead! I hope you will follow me as I enter this new phase of life and begin the new adventure of becoming a mother.